Eco Technics for companies

together for green energy, a customized industrial project

An industrial installation with a power >30kVA requires a totally different approach. An industrial installation tailored to your business activity or investment sense is central to the realization of any industrial project.

Eco technics - Specialist in Zonnepanelen - icoon
Eco technics - Specialist in Zonnenpanelen

Industrial solar installations

Make the roof of your business pay off by installing an industrial PV system and lock in a big chunk of your energy costs for the next 25 years.

An installation sized for self-consumption or yet an installation with a focus on maximizing your potential. We work with you to find the best strategy and a nice financial return.

Eco technics - Specialist in verhuis van zonnenpanelen

Industrial Battery Storage (BESS)

The energy transition is in full swing. Wind farms and solar panel installations are being built at a rapid pace. Consumers are being electrified in the short-term, which makes matching supply and demand a big puzzle.

The installation of a company battery can offer benefits in several facets. Thus, your grid costs will decrease, auto consumption will increase and you can participate in grid balancing via VPPs. Each situation is unique, however, and we are happy to look with you at the most appropriate technology.

Eco technics - Specialist in thuisbatterijen

AC charging stations and DC fast chargers

Company cars and professional vehicles are electrifying at a rapid pace. A major technical challenge for many companies. We are happy to help your company with a fully customized solution.

So we take care of the entire electrical story, the placement of AC or DC chargers and the connection to a Charge Point Operator.

We also offer a solution for colleagues who can charge their car at home. Thanks to split-billing, everything is automatic and we avoid administrative operations.

Eco technics - Specialist in laadpalen

Moving Solar Panels - Rebuild

Your company is moving to a new building but has a solar panel installation. Moving an installation is quite a complex undertaking. Eco Technics will advise you as to your options. We take care of the administration at Fluvius and move your PV installation from A to Z.

Was your PV system not built by Eco Technics and your installer is no longer in business? The profitability of the installation is not as intended? After a thorough analysis of your installation, we will recommend points of improvement or a complete rebuild of the installation.

Eco Technics, your installer for green energy

Eco Technics stands for ecology and technology. Our driven team of enthusiastic mechanics installs our high-quality materials punctually and quickly with know-how. Our years of experience and competitive prices make us the preferred partner for solar panels in the Kempen region.

Proud of our projects

HORTA Wuustwezel
| 115,6 kWp
Gimall plants
| 286 kWp
Kurt Leys
Tielen, Belgium
| 236,52 kWp

O&M Solar

maintenance packages for your solar panels

Get maximum return on your investment with one of Eco Technics’ maintenance packages. We monitor your PV installation 7/7 and ensure that your installation is at its highest efficiency at all times.

Satisfied customers talking

Eco technics - Specialist in Zonnepanelen - icoon

Ik heb al twee keer een installatie laten plaatsen door Ecotechnics en ben heel tevreden over het geleverde werk, de communicatie en de kwaliteit. Intussen heeft een buurman ook mijn advies gevolgd!

Didier Grimonprez
| Facebook review
Eco technics - Specialist in Zonnepanelen - icoon

Correcte informatie bij het voorbezoek; overzichtelijke offerte en interessante aanbieding; vlotte afhandeling dossier; prima plaatsing vandaag door een ervaren ploeg….en al volop van de zon aan het profiteren. Ik heb er het volste vertrouwen in.

Walter Kiebooms
| Facebook review
Eco technics - Specialist in Zonnepanelen - icoon

Wat een service! Altijd vriendelijk, zeer reactief, kort op de bal, goede begeleiding voor premie aanvraag, proper werk, … Ik heb ze reeds meermaals aangeraden bij vrienden en allen zijn unaniem… top service.

Charles Darcis
| Google review
Eco technics - Specialist in Zonnepanelen - icoon

Een dynamisch bedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in zonnepanelen. Dit kan ik alleen maar bevestigen. Mijn installatie is geplaatst volgens de regels van de kunst door professionele vakmannen. De administratieve afhandeling is volledig verlopen zoals is afgesproken. alvast bedankt en doe zo verder.

Benny Meyvis
| Google review
Eco technics - Specialist in Zonnepanelen - icoon

Absolute topinstallateur. Verschillende keren mee samengewerkt, prima competitieve prijszetting, steeds mooie afwerking, aangename installateurs die zeer ervaren en correct zijn, vlotte administratieve afhandeling, de zaakvoerder is een man van zijn woord en alles gebeurt stipt zoals afgesproken.

Peter Ooms
| Google review


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