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Waterland investment fund plunges into solar panel installers

“Renewable energy installer Team Green joins group ADW Eco-Technics “ Lokeren, 20/03/2024 – Team Green, an installer with 17 years of experience in renewable energy systems is moving forward with...

Hernieuwbare energie installateur Eco Technics en dakdekkersgroep ‘ADW – Adidak – Aditoit’, komen samen in één groep om hun gezamenlijke groeiambities te ondersteunen

Nieuwe fusie tussen ADW & Eco Technics ADW, Adidak en Aditoit zijn sinds einde jaren ’80 actief in de installatie van platte daken, vanop drie locaties in België (Lochristi, Herentals...

Is your company required to install solar panels by 2025?

Solar panels mandatory for businesses with high electricity consumption Companies with an annual electricity consumption of more than 1GWh fall under the Flemish government’s new obligation to install a minimum...

Free solar panels for Chiro Brecht

We have ourselves spent years in the Chiro (youth movement) and in the meantime our children also enjoy going to romp on the Tilburgbaan every Sunday. It is therefore with...

Brand new installation of 1,200 solar panels on the roof of Tomeco Hoogstraten.

A brand new installation of 1,200 solar panels on the roof of Tomeco’s packing shed in Hoogstraten, Belgium. A great contribution to their sustainability policy!

Eco Technics provides Beneens with green power

Since last summer, construction and interior design company Beneens has over 1,100 solar panels on the roof of their company building in Olen, Belgium. Together, these account for 375,360 Watt...

Eco Technics installs 20,000 square meters of solar panels at Group Thys

The Group Thys company, at Kapelsestraat 127 in Kapellen, Belgium, now generates its energy from solar panels. On the roof of the commercial building, 6,282 solar panels were installed. Together,...

Eco Technics is moving!

Work is progressing on our new offices! We already started using the accompanying warehouse. The timber frame structure of our offices is also finished by now, next we are waiting...


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