Together for green energy
Eco technics was born out of a belief in a green future.
In 2007, Eco Technics was founded by Wim Eelen and Bart Van Loy. Out of enthusiasm, conviction and belief in a green future. The company was created after Wim and Bart installed solar panels on the roof of Wim’s private home, long before the high demand for solar panels. Both strongly believed in renewable energy.
Solar panels a powerful story
Independent electrician Bart’s expertise and Wim’s green drive made Eco Technics a success! The focus was primarily on generating electricity from renewable sources. Wind energy did not appear to be an obvious option given the long lead time and permitting procedures. Solar panels, on the other hand, were a match made in heaven. Bart’s electrical background provided a strong pillar within Eco Technics from the start. Building a solar panel system also involves a construction aspect. This together with Wim’s commercial drive immediately provided the second strong pillar within Eco Technics. With the first class team we have at Eco Technics today, we make every job our mission to satisfy customers with their solar panel investment.
Our strengths
In-house team of expert mechanics, high quality and durable materials
With their in-house team of expert mechanics, high quality and durable materials as well as fast and punctual installation, Eco Technics soon became a resounding name in the world of solar panels.
Eco Technics believes that there is a suitable solution for every roof construction! Eco Technics offers an investment with perspective.
We will always strive for quality, service, optimum value for money and maximum customer satisfaction.
Meanwhile, we have been around for more than 15 years, and the team continues to evolve, innovate and keep up with the latest developments.